Third assignment for our GAME1501 Rapid Prototyping class. The prompt for the assignment was to make a game inspired by an existing franchise.

After presumably escaping the grasp of the treacherous necromancer, Greg and his iconic countenance make the jump to 16-bit hardware... or something like that.

Stranded on an alien planet, Greg once again has to navigate his way through a horrible labyrinth. This time, in space! Thankfully, he's equipped with a 


controls here

movement, shooting, jumping, dashing - REMEMBER TO CHANGE WASD TO ARROW KEYS ON KEYBOARD.


Owen Busch - Project Management, Character Programming, UI

Ayden Wilkins - Enemy Programming, Boss Programming

Suellen De Salles - Level Design, Level Art

Garan Schulz - Level Objects, Character Art

==  NOTICE ==

This prototype is heavily inspired by Nintendo's Metroid series. Any assets or inspiration used is for educational purposes.  This prototype is not to be sold.